
How to stop overthinking turning into sleepless nights

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How to stop overthinking turning into sleepless nights

Overthinking about current events, a big work deadline, a conversation that didn’t go exactly how you wanted it to, , bills that need paying…  Some nights, you just can’t seem to switch your brain off and soon it’s 2am and you have to be up in 5 hours.

It’s hard to know how to stop racing thoughts turning into sleepless nights, so here’s a list of a few tried and tested methods to help you out, from one over-thinker to another.


Preparation v. overthinking 

We live in an era of hyper-connectivity, full of information, communication, notifications, stimulation… You  can’t just decide when you want to turn your brain off and go to sleep. The brain needs time to digest and process the day’s information. Like the ‘Wait an hour to go swimming after eating’ rule but for thoughts!

Establishing a bedtime routine is a good way to start to wind down before bed. Try spending half an hour or so getting things ready for the next day (picking out an outfit, making a to-do list). Then spend half an hour relaxing (fresh PJs, a herbal tea and a good book). As long as you respect a few obvious ideas (no screens, no caffeine…),  anything that helps you unwind and relax goes


Journalling v. overthinking 

The pen is mightier than the overthinking! Take a pen and spend 15 minutes writing out your worries, stresses, frustrations or observations in a notebook. According to a study published in the Harvard Medical School Special Report,  writing about your emotions can relieve stress and anxiety.

If your racing thoughts lean more towards worrying about the next day, you can try taking 5 minutes to write out a to-do list.


Meditation v. overthinking 

An essential tool in your quest against overthinking, meditation is simple, effective and easier than you may think. Its effects on stress and anxiety levels are proven and scientific research is often unearthing new benefits. 10 minutes of meditation before bed a great way to slow down your mind and prepare yourself for sleep.

To get you started on your meditation journey, here’s an easy-to-learn, effective technique you can try tonight:

Equal Breathing

  1. Take a deep breath in expanding your belly (this is known as diaphragmatic breathing). Slowly count to 4.
  2. After 4 counts, when your lungs feel full at the ’top’ of your inhalation, take a moment to feel full.
  3. Then slowly exhale for 4 counts.
  4. Take a moment here to feel empty, before repeating the process.



Cognition v. overthinking 

Another option is to give the brain a cognitive exercise to complete, diverting attention away from negative thoughts and stress. This is known as super-somnolent mentation. Think of it as an exercise that forces your imagination to go into shuffle mode. Take Dreem’s Cognition technique as an example: A series of random words are transmitted via the headband, all you have to do is imagine them. Pretty soon, you’ll be more concentrated on the words than your own racing thoughts.


One last thing

So there you have it, a few tools and techniques to help you “shut down your brain” for sleep. Sometimes persistent overthinking maybe symptomatic of chronic insomnia, and a little extra work is required- Dreem has you covered for that too with the Dreem’s program.

Sometimes this kind of overthinking can be part of a larger problem like anxiety or depression. If after trying the advice above, you’re still having trouble, it might be worth contacting a professional for some extra help. Remember- you are not alone.

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